FMP- My visits to the trips and what I think it could inspire in my own work

Gagosian Gallery

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There was no particular picture, landscape or portrait that I was able to take inspiration from. I came a little close after I took a photo of a couple of mini-portaits of some people and one  stood out to me with this guy who had clothing that resembled a german emperor’s outfit. Aside from this, there really was nothing in the gallery that I felt have anything to do with my project.

Stanley Kubrick Archive

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While a quick gallery, it is still an interesting looking place but again, this is another visit where there was no items that can help inspire my work. Only one object came the closest to an inspiration for my FMP, and that was a little model of a tank. The reason for this is because I envisioned that while in the big fight sequence between my characters, one character tackles the other on top of a tank, while falling off a tall building, still in construction.

British Museum

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The British Museum is the only place of the major four trips that I went to that gave me ideas and inspirations for my character weapon designs. In an exhibit that contained many ancient weapons from the past. I managed to take a couple of photos of weapons that will help me be able to explain that the character who wields this weapon, is based on the same item I took a photo of.

EGX Rezzed

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EGX Rezzed was a good trip, there were a lot of riveting exhibits to go to and some fascinating games to play, but once again as much as I tried, I surpirisngly did not find a single game to try out that was of the fighting genre, especially when I am creating a game “of that genre”. The one gaming convention that would expose promote fighting and let gamers try that I can think of is E3, except it is not in Europe, but in North America.